Hello, my name is
Andres Estrada


  • charismatic

  • curious

  • flexible

Andres Estrada


  • Diana Princess of Wales

    Diana Princess of Wales

    Beloved worldwide, Diana Princess of Wales captivated hearts with her grace and kindness. Known for her humanitarian efforts, she worked tirelessly for numerous causes. Her elegance and compassion left a lasting legacy, making her an enduring icon of love and charity.

  • Marilyn Monroe

    Marilyn Monroe

    Iconic and glamorous, Marilyn Monroe captivated audiences with her beauty and charm. Star of classics like "Some Like It Hot," she remains a timeless symbol of Hollywood's golden era. Her enduring legacy continues to inspire and fascinate fans around the world.

  • Taylor Swift

    Taylor Swift

    A global sensation, Taylor Swift captivates with her catchy tunes and heartfelt lyrics. Her journey from country star to pop icon resonates worldwide. Each album showcases her evolving artistry. Fans adore her authenticity and storytelling. Every release sparks excitement, proving her lasting impact on the music industry.


Here are some brands I admire:

  • Amazon delivers convenience, right to their doorstep. They offer everything from A to Z with just a click. Their fast shipping and vast selection keep customers coming back for more.

  • Their golden arches are iconic, instantly recognizable worldwide. They serve up fast, tasty, and affordable meals with a smile. They’re the go-to spot for quick comfort food and happy memories.

  • Samsung's all about innovation and sleek designs. They blend cutting-edge tech with everyday convenience. From smartphones to appliances, they've got it all covered!